Stop Looking at Porn or You Will Destroy Your Life; 5 Reasons Why You Should Leave Watching Porn.

What does the Bible say about pornography?
Pornography is threatening in the world today. By far, the largest part searched for terms on the internet are associated to pornography. The Holy Bible does not precisely mention the issue of watching pornography, since it didn't actually occur at the time the books of the Bible were written. Still, the use of pornography is in direct resistance with many Bible teaching. Bible tells us to be sexually pure.
- “Search for what is good, and not what is bad . . . Hate what is bad, and love what is good.”—Amos 5:14, 15.
- “Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”—Matthew 5:28.
- “For everything in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--comes not from the Father but from the world.”—1 John 2:16.
See More : Science of Pornography Addiction
Pornography addiction is a "chemical addiction" producing a reaction in the brain comparable to street drugs. Pornography is influential. It takes advantage of and taps into intense emotional, biological and chemical connections all over the brain and the entire body.
During sexual activity, the brain starts narrowing its focus as it releases a tidal wave of endorphins and other neurochemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin and serotonin. These "natural drugs" produce a tremendous rush or high. When these chemicals are released during healthy marital intimacy we refer to them as "the fabulous four" because of the myriad positive benefits they generate between husband and wife.
When they are released in pornography use and other sexual addiction behaviors, we call them "the fearsome four" due to the severe addiction and many negative consequences they make in the brain and nervous system.
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The 'Brain Science' Behind Internet Porn Addiction
Should you stop watching porn?
1 Pornography makes you lazy
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orn is almost certainly the worst thing for a human becomes it makes him awfully lazy. Instead of going out to find a real partner he can just stay back at home in the dark and live out his fantasies on the computer. You can never develop a personality during these dark nights. Only problem is you are at home, alone, pretending. There’s so much you could be doing instead!
A new German study proves that men who view too much pornography may become lazier. The study has revealed watching porn impacts the "striatum", a brain region linked with motivation and reward response.
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2 Pornography causes lack of confidence
Said a recovering porn addicted user:
"I knew I was more than I appeared to be. More knowledgeable, funnier, more socially intelligent. I had all of these skills, but I couldn't use them. It was like driving a Ferrari and being stuck in 1st gear."
We are sure to say that pornography is the primary cause of social anxiety or depression in young men. So many people going through social anxiety and lack of confidence. Some people came up with the deduction that watching porn won't affect you if you didn't believe that its wrong, but science proved those people wrong.
So start connecting with real people in your real life. Browse the Internet for good forums. Walk through public areas in both morning and evening. Try making eye contact with a few people. Then try smiling at a few. :-)
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3 Inability to Approach Women
85% of your inability to get women comes from watching porn. Your powerlessness to hook up with women, and even have a positive social life, comes from the truth that you have the option to watch porn. The more you watch porn, the less struggle you put into making or maintaining relationships with other people.
A challenge for you, Give yourself a determined period of time, say 15 days, during which you can not watch porn. Do not give yourself the option to watch porn or other sexual activities.
After a few days, maybe a week, your motivation to socialize improves.
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4 Negative thoughts and feelings
The following chart shows the results of a poll that based on the topic of "feelings after watching porn" for 1502 people organized at a Web Blog.

During the past several months nearly 500 individuals, primarily men have answered our questions.
Nearly 30 percent report that they view pornography at least 3-5 times a week. Over 25 percent denote that they view pornography daily. Anti-pornography activist, Gail Dines, says that young men who become hooked to porn, “ignore their schoolwork, waste huge amounts of money they don’t have, become separated from others, and often suffer depression.” (Pornland, 93).
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5 Viewing porn shrinks the brain
Men who watch pornography may be shrinking their brains and deadening their responses to sexual stimulation, new study has found. It is the first time researchers have found a thinkable connection between regular watching of porn and physical harm.
Also the study found that another region of brain, that is also part of the striatum that is active when people see sexual stimuli, shows less activation the more pornography participants spent.
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"The above reasons should hopefully provide a convincing claim as to why one should at least consider putting an end to pornography. If nothing else, the simple choice to limit, or control a this habit can be great for one’s sense of self-control and self-confidence. So, what can you do about it? Becoming educated about the problem is the first step. "
Simply pick yourself up, smile :-)
Good luck!
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